Gifted Hands Gallery is filled with one of a kind local items ~ featuring the works of our Southwest Local & Native Kewa Pueblo Jewelry & Ceramic Artists. Many of our talented artists are both National and Local Award Winning Artists, many times over. Five of our artists have been invited to display their works at the Allen Hauser Native American Art Gallery at the Smithsonian Museum, in Washington DC.
Every piece of handmade Fine Art, in the gallery, is also guaranteed genuine and authentically crafted out of only the highest quality Silver, Turquoise, Local Clays and other materials. Fine Art pieces include: Original art - Printed GiClees, Watercolor Paintings and Photographs - plus Hand-Screened Serigraphs.
We want anyone to be able to enjoy New Mexico’s finest art, so it our commitment to you, to keep gallery prices well within anyone’s taste and/or budget. Please enjoy our website – and remind your friends to come give us a visit – take a day trip to Madrid and Enjoy!
Meet our Artists . . .
all Local or Native

Want to know more about our inventory and the talented artists we represent?
Get detailed information at at each category links above. Learn about each artist and preview samples of their art.
Then: Visit our eStore to purchase available works of art and SHOP NOW

We are here for You! . . .

Mon - Thur ~ 10:30 - 5:30
Fri - Sun. ~. 10:00 - 6:00
Winter hours may vary
or as weather permits
2851 State Hwy 14N
Madrid, New Mexico 87010 * USA