Welcome to our Store
We want anyone to be able to enjoy New Mexico's finest art, so it is our commitment to you, to keep gallery prices well within anyone's taste and/or budget.
Please enjoy ~ and remind your friends to come give us a visit. It's a great day for a trip to Madrid - enjoy the store and sit on the deck at the Mine Shaft Cantina and have one of our famous "cucumber margaritas!"

We want anyone to be able to enjoy New Mexico's finest art, so it is our commitment to you, to keep gallery prices well within anyone's taste and/or budget. Please enjoy ~ and remind your friends to come give us a visit. It's a great day for a trip to Madrid - enjoy the store and sit on the deck at the Mine Shaft Cantina and have one of our famous "cucumber margaritas!"
We ship all items USPS
Priority Mail, by mid-week of every week.
Please contact us for any special shipping requirements.